.NET Graduation Ceremony
source: http://deathstarpr.blogspot.co.il/
PHP Hackathon
source: http://www.starwars.com
Python developer, kicking a Java developer's ass
source: http://starwars.wikia.com
Perl Developers Meetup
source: http://starwars.wikia.com
Javascript Developers Debugging IE8
source: http://www.starwars.com/
Ruby Master Class
source: http://www.starwars.com/
Ruby code is readable, consistent, concise
name = "Natalie Portman"
puts "Luke's mom rocks!" unless name.blank?
$name = "Natalie Portman";
if(strlen($name) > 0){
echo "Luke's mom rocks";
10.times do
puts "Hi"
@credit += 1 if @coins > 2
start_game! unless waiting?
x = 0
until x > 10 do
x += 1
file_content = File.open('somefile.txt','r'){ |f| f.read }
Mixins are a cleaner way to reuse code
Functionality is self-contained in modules and mixed into objects
Code is cleaner and more organized.
No inheritence chain to worry about
module Logger
def log(msg)
puts msg
class Car
include Logger
def drive
log "Driving"
Rubygems is the driving force of the Ruby
eco-system success
No more missing packages, conflicting versions and broken dependencies
Clear standards and tools for authoring and distribution
Versioning, dependencies and load paths are handled during install
Bundle management with Bundler makes development and deployment a breeze
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'mongoid', '~>3.0'
gem 'rspec', :group => :test
Public code is always tested - Early adpotion is usually safe
Collaboration is easier - Responsibilities are clear
describe MyController do
before :each do
get '/some_url'
it "should have a response body" do
last_response.body.should_not be_blank
Convention over configuration
(so long Java XML files)
Focus on programming rather than making trivial decisions
The right tools for the job (and they're tested)
Variaty is good. Not too much variaty is better!
Coding style and conventions are clear and easy to pick up
Community tools and standards help me focus on the problem rather than menial tasks
For example - Rake, RVM, Bundler
Ruby doesn't get upset when I don't implement an interface or declare types (Java, .NET)
Source: http://www.freshrant.com
Ruby doesn't get upset when I don't want to get my hands dirty (Python)
Source: http://www.redwindsoftware.com
Ruby doesn't get upset when I forget to configure php.ini just right (PHP)
Source: http://kooztop5.blogspot.co.il/
Ruby doesn't get in the way of my code so I can do things faster, more reliably and with less headaches